Thursday, March 5, 2020

Whats Holding You Back

Whats Holding You Back Suzy S. Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at TakeLessons? For our student counselors,   its a life of chatting with students and teachers, and helping musicians of all levels take that first step in setting up lessons! A lot goes into the process discussing your needs and goals, and determining which teacher will fit those needs best, all to ensure you have an excellent experience. So whats holding you back? Here, TakeLessons student counselor Dylan M. offers some practical advice to overcoming your lingering reservations: Before you begin your list of excuses for not taking music lessons right now, think about this: Lady Gaga and Michael Jackson would have never made a successful career for themselves had it not been for overcoming obstacles.   Unfortunately, too many of us choose to let these obstacles overcome our own success. Doubt can be the treacherous monster holding back those of us seeking musical experiences. As a student counselor with TakeLessons, I have helped students over the hurdles preventing them from taking the first steps on their musical journey.   So ask yourself: whats holding you back? Price, time, location and skill level are among the most frequently-used reasons for not taking lessons.   If cost is your primary deterrent, we hear ya. Tough economic times may mean cutting corners somewhere, but there are ways to reduce the cost of lessons. Just remember: Mistakes can be costly, but music is priceless. If youre worried about time and location, there are numerous plans you can get set up on.   We also offer different programs that allow for flexibility, if you need it.   These programs allow you the time you need for lessons and the time you need for your everyday life.   And if studios are too far, why not have one of our instructors come to you instead?   Taking lessons at home is exciting and convenient. We also offer online music lessons as an option now! One piece of advice to take to heart: dont ever feel like youre not good enough to take lessons.   The amazing thing about music and taking lessons is that its available to any age and any skill level.   There is always room for improvement, and were here to help you progress and become a better musician! Dylan M., TakeLessons staff member and blogger Ready to sign up for lessons?   Search for a teacher near you, and get started today! Photo by loveiswritten.

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